Plant-based milk. It’s mainstream now.

Plant-based alternatives to milk.

We often wonder how many of our customers are drinking their Dreambeans coffee with oat milk or almond milk or some other plant-based alternative to dairy. Something that was a minority interest only a few years ago is now well and truly in the mainstream.

It is worth paying attention to the increasing popularity of plant-based dairy and meat alternatives in Ireland. According to a new research commissioned by Oatly, one-third of shoppers are opting for more plant-based alternatives than they were three years ago. The trend is expected to continue, with three in ten adults planning to make even more plant-based swaps in 2023.

The research was conducted by Opinions and it was based on surveying more than 1,000 adults across Ireland on their diets, attitudes towards climate change, and plant-based alternatives. The results revealed that plant-based products are gaining popularity across all age groups under 50, with 18- to 24-year-olds and 25- to 34-year-olds leading the way. More than three-quarters of all Irish adults are concerned about climate change, with one in four citing it as the top reason for switching to alternatives to meat and dairy. One in four respondents also said that they choose plant-based products to improve their health by cutting back on red meat and dairy.

It’s worth noting that the research found that plant-based alternatives are currently less popular among older age groups. Over half of those aged 65 and older said that they wouldn’t consider a meat or dairy alternative in the coming year, with preconceptions about taste cited as the most common barrier.

oat milk coffee dairy alternative