Oaxaca La Cañada SHG Organic
On the tasting table:
In the La Canada area of Oaxaca, Mexico, the humidity and altitude combine to make the perfect environment for growing coffee. Most of the varietals are Mundo Novo, Bourbon, Typica, and Criollo, grown at a height of 1,200 to 1,500 meters. In this area, close to Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, lies the headquarters of Union de Productores Las Flores. Each member has between .5 and 3 hectares of land, and they each wet mill their own coffee before bringing it in parchment to the UPLF beneficio. Many of the farmers, pickers, and beneficio employees in La Caada still speak the local language. To create full containers, they frequently combine their coffee with “Mixteca Alta del Pacifico.”

Organically grown coffee means that it was grown without the use of chemical fertilizers or pesticides and with minimal environmental impact.
SHG/Strictly High Grown designates coffee that itwas grown at elevations higher than 1350 meters. This phrase is also used to refer to SHB (Strictly Hard Bean), which is a higher categorization than HG.

Tasting notes.
Wet processed coffee. SHG 1200 – 1500 masl.
Nice sweetness in the body. Chocolate. Plum and figs. Perfume in the body. Smooth on the tongue. Moderately thin. Nice acid in the finish. Good balance. Surprisingly good with milk. Opens up well. Longish and nutty in the finish.
Suited to medium roast. Poor results from dark roast. Oils singe early and evaporate. Excessive carbonoids if dark-roasted.
By Pat McArdle