Flat white Vs cafe latte: what’s the difference??

The difference between a flat white and a latte.

Let’s start with the basics. Both flat whites and lattes are espresso-based drinks, which means they start with a shot of espresso as the base. From there, they differ in terms of milk and texture.

The flat white originated in Australia and New Zealand and has become very popular all across the world.  A flat white is made by pouring microfoam (steamed milk with tiny bubbles) over a shot of espresso. The microfoam is created by “stretching” the milk, which incorporates air into it and creates a velvety texture. The resulting drink is smooth and strong, with a slightly sweet and nutty flavour.

Cafe Latte
Flat white rich and strong

Latte is creamier and a bit weaker

On the other hand, a latte is made by pouring steamed milk over a shot of espresso. Unlike a flat white, a latte has a layer of foam on top of the milk. The texture of the milk in a latte is different from that in a flat white – it’s creamier and less velvety. The flavour is also a bit milder than a flat white, with the milk serving to balance out the espresso.

In terms of serving size, flat whites are generally smaller than lattes. A flat white typically has a double shot of espresso and around 6-8 ounces of milk, while a latte has a single shot of espresso and around 8-12 ounces of milk.

A key difference between a flat white and a latte is the texture of the milk. The microfoam in a flat white is meant to be smooth and velvety, whereas the milk in a latte is creamier and less airy. This difference in texture means that a flat white has a slightly stronger flavour and a more concentrated espresso taste than a latte.

Another difference between the two drinks is the layer of foam on top of the latte. This foam adds a bit of extra sweetness to the drink and can also be used for latte art. Flat whites, on the other hand, are typically served without any foam on top, which means there’s no room for latte art.

Overall, whether you prefer a flat white or a latte really comes down to personal taste. If you like a stronger coffee flavour and a smoother texture, then a flat white is probably the way to go. If you prefer a creamier, milder drink with a bit of extra sweetness, go for a latte.